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guarantee fund 保證基金。


Investors may focus on guaranteed fund issued by bank , it is new style of financing product which is welcomed in the international market , it is not only shows the safety like bank deposit , but also make higher return with the interest rate arise , at the same time , rising interest rates will lead to fall of the bond price , and make higher return of guaranteed fund which will be issued by banks 投資者可把目光聚焦到正在發售的銀行保本基金上,這種在國際市場上大受歡迎的新型理財品種不但能夠提供銀行儲蓄般的安全感,而且可以利用此次利率上升的機會創造更高的收益;同時,加息導致債券價格下跌,實際上提高了即將入市的銀行保本基金的債券投資收益率。

Moreover , the small and medium enterprise administration takes charge of supervising and planning a number of funds , including the sme joint guidance fund , sme credit guarantee fund , sme development fund , sme mutual assistance guarantee fund , and returning overseas english loan fund , etc . these programs help solve the problems associated with a lack of collateral for smes seeking funding while at the same time encouraging financial institutions to accept sme loan applications . through counseling by relevant institutions , smes with great potential yet unable to obtain loans from financial institutions obtain the needed assistance 另外,由中小企業處統籌督導與規劃的有,中小企業聯合輔導基金中小企業信用保證基金中小企業發展基金中小企業互助保證基金華僑回國貸款基金等等,以減少中小企業申請融資時擔保品欠缺之障礙提高金融機構辦理中小企業融資的意愿,配合有關輔導機構擴大輔導效果,協助無法由金融機構取得資金,但又具有發展潛力之中小企業取得運用資金,塑造中小企業良好籌資環境,提升競爭優勢。

For government , as far as wto principles permitted , measures can be taken to help foreign trade companies to get financial institutions “ loan / financial support : guarantee fund for foreign trade companies / opening and control policies combination in the field of financial institutions , measure to cut foreign trade companies “ financial costsrtax refund / interest compensation , and measures to optimize foreign companies companies “ structure to get higher foreign trade development and lower financial dependency . for financial institutions , trade finance should be carried out with much more effort , forfaiting factoring and new trade finance products should be applied / developed to meet the foreign trade companies “ demand , with the financial institutions “ business developed and risk controlled at the same time 從銀行角度,為了充分發揮金融在現代經濟中的核心作用,更為了加入wto后面對更加激烈的競爭,銀行自身的生存、業務發展,必須適應企業、市場的融資需求,大力度開展貿易融資業務,積極開發貿易融資業務新產品,開展、推廣保理、福費廷等業務,創新外經貿金融和保險服務,有利控制風險,擴展業務,應對競爭,求得與外經貿企業的共贏發展。

Remedy the understanding of the smes “ credit guarantee ; 2 . set up the enterprises “ credit system ; 3 . reform the financial organism and construct the financial market system to hold the smes ; 4 . to perfect the smes “ credit guarantee system including extending the soure of credit guarantee funds , perfecting the organism of controlling and dispersing risk , doing guaranee innovation , perfecting the law and regulation which concern of the smes “ credit guarantee 針對這些現實問題,筆者提出以下一些解決對策: 1 、糾正對中小企業信用擔保制度的認識偏差,樹立正確的信用擔保觀念; 2 、建立企業征信制度; 3 、改革金融體制,建立支持中小企業的多層次金融市場體系; 4 、完善中小企業信用擔保制度本身,包括擴大信用基金來源,健全控制風險與分散風險機制,積極進行擔保創新,完善相關法律法規。

Manulife funds direct hong kong limited announced the launch of its high impact technology guaranteed fund hit guaranteed fund . the fund , which offers investors a 100 per cent capital guarantee at maturity , links its performance to the return of a basket of technology blue chips with extremely strong fundamentals -宏利免傭基金管理香港有限公司宣布,推出高科技保本基金,此基金與一籃子實力雄厚的藍籌高科技股表現掛金勾,并于投資期滿時,為投資者提供百分百本金保證。

When the trustee receives the correct amount of contributions in cleared funds and a duly completed remittance statement , the trustee will apply the contributions received to acquire units on a valuation date , normally within 5 business days of such receipt ( for the bea ( mpf ) long term guaranteed fund ) or within 3 business days of such receipt ( for the other constituent funds ) and in any event within 20 business days of each receipt 受托人在收到供款及完備之付款結算書后最短3個營業日內之估值日或如投資于東亞(強積金)保證基金,則于最短5個營業日內之估值日(但最長不超過20個營業日) ,將動用所收到的供款購入基金單位。

Establish “ credit guarantee fund for medium and small enterprises in jiangxi “ , solving the medium and small enterprises “ problems such as the difficulty in loan , in financing and the inadequate registered capital . provincial government should gradually arrange some mature stock enterprises to be listed or listed through purchasing some listed companies , achieving the direct financing , further change the operating strategy of the . state - owned banks , supporting the development of medium and small enterprise 設立“江西省中小企業信用擔保資金” ,切實解決中小企業貸款難、融資難、企業注冊資本不足以及擔保等問題;應該有步驟地安排一些條件成熟的股份制中小企業上市或“買殼”上市、借“殼”上市,實現直接融資;進一步轉變國有銀行經營戰略,支持中小企業的發展。

The benefits payable to a member on retirement or in other allowable circumstances are dependent on the contributions paid during the member s period of membership of the master trust and the investment return achieved on those contribution during the period and , in the case of contributions invested in the bea ( mpf ) long term guaranteed fund , whether such contributions qualify to receive the benefit of the guarantee 各成員于本計劃所享有的權益,是決定于他加入本計劃期間內所支付的供款,及該等供款在該期間內之投資回報。如成員于本計劃內的投資包括東亞(強積金)保證基金,其享有的權益也受其是否符合享有資本及回報保證的資格所影響。

So synthetical measures must be implemented to fight against poverty , including ecological immigrant , promoting new development of traditional agriculture and animal husbandry by improving levels of manpower quality of rural residents and establishing new villages , increasing employment opportunity by developing tourism to drive development of the third industry , preventing returning to poverty due to illness by changing medical resource distribution , controlling increase of population , intensifying legislation and setting up social guarantee fund etc 為此必須采用綜合性的反貧困措施:如生態移民;通過提高農牧民個人素質,促進傳統農牧業的發展,構建新農村;大力發展旅游業,以增加就業機會;改變醫療資源配置,遏制因病返貧;控制人口增長;加強立法、建立社會保障基金等。

Though the regulation of deferent international futures exchange is similar , for example , their principles are detached , equitable and impartial . though most of the futures exchanges have their member regimes , guaranteed fund . there is still so much difference in many aspects , such as , organization and structure , operation management , trading item , delivery form , mode of settling account , and so on 從國際上來看,雖然不同的期貨交易市場在基本規則上都是相通的,如,都是實行公開、公平、公正的原則,交易所基本上都是采用會員制,保證金制度,但在具體的組織方式、運營管理、上市品種、結算辦法等方面,各交易所還存在著諸多差別。

In addition , each constituent fund ( other than the bea ( mpf ) capital preservation fund and the bea ( mpf ) long term guaranteed fund ) will bear a due proportion of the costs and expenses incurred by the sponsor and the trustee in establishing the master trust which will be amortized over the first 5 years of the master trust 此外,保薦人和受托人在設立本計劃時所引致的費用及支出將由各成分基金(東亞(強積金)資本基金及東亞(強積金)保證基金除外)按適當比例分擔,并在本計劃首5年內攤銷。

The hit guaranteed fund invests in options on blue - chip technology stocks with a significant global exposure . it has a minimum investment amount of hk 50 , 000 and the offer period ends september 7 , 2001 . the maturity date for the fund is march 18 , 2005 宏利免傭基金管理的高科技保本基金投資于國際知名的藍籌科技股票期權及或證券上,基金的最低投資金額為五萬港元,截止認購日期為二零零一年九月七日,而到期日為二零零五年三月十八日。

Guarantees provided under the sme business installations and equipment loan guarantee scheme , the special finance scheme for small and medium enterprises , the film guarantee fund and the loan guarantee scheme for severe acute respiratory syndrome impacted industries 1 , 920 1 , 920對中小企業營運設備及器材信貸保證計劃中小型企業特別信貸計劃電影貸款保證基金及為受嚴重急性呼吸系統綜合癥影響的行業而設的貸款擔保計劃作出的保證

The panel discussed the paper on the proposal for continuing the operation of the film guarantee fund , which will expire on 31 march 2005 , and the revival of a funding scheme to finance projects conducive to the long - term development of the film industry 事務委員會討論有關電影貸款保證基金(將于2005年3月31日期滿)繼續運作的建議,以及重新推行一項資助計劃,為有利電影業長遠發展的項目提供資助。

“ some local governments even cannot guarantee funds for performing their normal functions , but such phenomena as ostentatious and extravagant behaviors and pleasure - seeking are still prevalent in some localities and departments , “ xiang said 項(懷誠)說: “一些地方政府甚至沒有足夠的資金來維持政府部門的正常運轉,但是炫耀和鋪張浪費的行為,享樂主義等現象在一些地方和部門仍然很普遍。

Up to 2002 , the system of t & g for smes has got 226 member institutions , covering more than 200 towns , cities and regions in over 30 provinces , municipalities and cities with 7 billion guarantee funds and add up to 12 billion all 截至2002年,全國中小企業信用擔保體系已有226個成員機構,覆蓋了全國30個省、區、市的200多個地、市、州、盟,擔保資金70多億元,累計擔保金額120億元。

Article 96 in order to protect the interests of the insured , and to ensure its own steady and healthy operation , an insurer shall contribute to an insurance guarantee fund in accordance with the regulations of the financial supervision and regulation department 第九十六條為了保障被保險人的利益,支持保險公司穩健經營,保險公司應當按照金融監督管理部門的規定提存保險保障基金。

Chapter 3 begins with the goal of life insurance solvency regulation - protecting the insured ' s interest . regulator can strengthen life insurance solvency macro management through ratio forecast , capital require and guarantee fund 第三章,壽險業償付能力的宏觀管理,提出監管機構應從三個方面:監管預警、資本金要求和保證基金加強對壽險業償付能力的統一管理。

Because the guarantee funds are the key to its success , china should restructure the financial system in order to give first priority to the farmer ' s economy according to the financial needs at different levels 由于保障資金供應是提高農戶經濟主體地位的關鍵措施,為此需要針對我國農戶的資金需求等級結構,重新設計我國提高農戶經濟主體地位的融資體制。